Newtons Laws EX 5

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Firstly, we focus on the blue box of mass m1=18 kg. The box is in contact with the surface of the incline and the surface of the box m2. Therefore, there are two normal forces: FN1 which is exerted by the incline and FN which is exerted by the box m2 on the box m1. In addition, there is a gravitational force FG and the force F that is exerted by Sally on m1. Secondly, we list the forces exerted on the yellow box of mass m2=25 kg. This box is in contact with the surface of the incline and the surface of the box m1. Therefore, there is the normal forces FN2 exerted on this box by the incline and the normal force FN exerted by the box m1. In addition, there is also the gravitational force FG exerted on it. It is important to note that the force F is exerted by Sally only on the blue box m1. Sally is not in contact with the yellow box m2 and therefore she does not exert any force on it.


The blocks are at rest and therefore the sum of the forces on each box is zero. To draw a free body diagram for each of the boxes we select the x-axis parallel to the incline.


To determine the components of forces, we will begin with forces exerted on the blue box. The gravitational force makes and angle of -53° with the positive x-axis.

Forces x-component y-component
FG 180 cos(-53°) = 108 N 180 sin(-53°) = -143 N
FN1 0 FN1
F F 0

Note that we used g=10m/s2 in our calculations.

We deal first with the y-component:


This yields FN1=143 N

Now we write the equation for the x-component:


We cannot solve this equation. First, we need to consider the yellow box.

The forces exerted on m2 are FG, the normal force exerted by the blue box FN and the normal force exerted by the incline FN2. The gravitational force makes the angle of -53° with the positive x-axis.

The components of the forces exerted on m2 are:

Forces x-component y-component
FG 250 cos(-53°) = 150 N 250 sin(-53°) = -200 N
FN2 0 FN2

We write the equation for the y-component:


This gives us FN2=200 N.

The equation for the x-component yields:


We have two equations with two unknowns:



By adding the two equations we solve F=258 N.

We solve the second equation for FN=150 N.