Workshop on Vectors
Wissam Chaya
Overview of Vectors
1 - For a start, An overview about vectors:
What is the difference between and ?
How do we perform vector subtraction of ?
Applications of Vectors
For each of the following application, draw a diagram and show vectors acting on the object. Define these vectors and answer the questions related when applicable.
• Plane and the Wind
• The River Boat
• Parabolic Motion of projectile
• Throw at the Monkey in a Gravity Free environment
• Throw at the Monkey at a slow speed with Gravity on
• Horizontally Launched Projectiles
- What are the initial vx and vy speeds?
- What are the initial vx and vy speeds?
- What are the final vx and vy speed (when it hits the ground)?
- What are the final vx and vy speed (when it hits the ground)?
• Non-Horizontally Lauched Projectile
- What are the initial vx and vy speeds?
- What are the initial vx and vy speeds?
- What are the vx and vy at the peak?
- What are the vx and vy at the peak?
- What are the final vx and vy speeds (when it hits the ground)?
- What are the final vx and vy speeds (when it hits the ground)?
• Maximum Range
- At what angle is the maximum range can be obtained?
- At what angle is the maximum range can be obtained?
• The Plane and the package
- Why does the package fall just underneath the moving plane?
- Why does the package fall just underneath the moving plane?
• The Truck and the Ball
- Why does the fall back on the moving truck?
- Why does the fall back on the moving truck?
- If you were sitting on the truck, how would you see the path of the ball: As a projectile or as a vertical up/down path?
- If you were sitting on the truck, how would you see the path of the ball: As a projectile or as a vertical up/down path?
• Throw paper !
- Can you throw the paper in the basket?
- Can you throw the paper in the basket?
- Play ! Consider the wind direction and speed as well as the velocity direction of your thrown paper.
Can you score? how many?
Finally draw a diagram of all vectors involved in this game!
- Play ! Consider the wind direction and speed as well as the velocity direction of your thrown paper.
Viewing 3D vectors
3D Vectors
Math & physics puzzles
Relative Motion
Helena Dedic
Relative Motion